Gifts from Abroad and Pay It Forward

What fun it has been to go to the mailbox lately! I have just received two wonderful gifts from a couple of my blogger friends. One was completely unexpected, from my friend Steph in Belgium. I gasped in amazement when I opened the package and saw the wonderful Egyptian coils bracelet and other goodies that she sent me. She had posted a picture of the Egyptian coils sometime last year and I had admired them then. What a skilled artist and photographer.

The other gift was from my friend Julie in Australia and is amazing also, a gorgeous altered journal. She has such a way with making things look wonderfully ancient. It is so beautiful that I will have to think hard to come up with something special enough to write and draw in it. It was a prize for leaving one of the first three comments on her blog. In receiving this gift, I must agree to pay it forward and offer to give a gift to the first three people who comment on this post. In turn, they must agree to pay it forward also.

All of my friends and family who check in frequently and don’t leave comments…now’s your chance too.

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