After the Feast

Well, everything is back to routine here. The company and our kids are gone home and it is quiet again. Here is a photo of the height of the feeding frenzy at our house on Thursday. Everyone brought food so I didn’t have to cook a lot, but I did do two turkeys which were totally devoured. (Not by myself, I don’t eat meat but I still have to cook it for my family) I think I overdosed on sweet potatoes. My aunts make the best, with lots of brown sugar, butter, and pecans on top. Now it is time for more healthy food. Here is a recipe for a broccoli salad that I came up with.

This is the view of our yard that I’ve seen for the past two mornings. Our neighbors cows have discovered that our grass is really greener than theirs and now they are determined that they should live over here. He keeps putting them back and they find a way out. They aren’t hurting anything and it is good to see them enjoying themselves and having their own feast. I have another story to share about these cows when I get pictures from our brother-in-law of the wedding that we had here in September.

I’ve spent a lazy morning napping, drinking tea, and looking at thought provoking websites. What bliss! Here is a fun site: Keri Smith’s Wish Jar.
Check out her blog. It will keep you entertained for a long while. I’m working my way through her archives. It’s addictive.

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