All of us probably have certain things that you can only do in summer that make the season come alive for us. My husband would probably say that first grilled burger of the season with big slices of homegrown tomato and Vidalia onion. I personally would skip the burger unless it was veggie. Some of the things that I look forward to every year are local experiences. In the town that is nearest to us there still exists a drive-in theater. We went there last night and joined the old fashioned fun. It is still a bargain in these days of expensive tickets and concessions. They always have a double feature, but this time of year, the movies doesn’t start until after 8:30 so staying awake for both features is not something that I can handle. Where else though, can you see two current movies for $6 a person?
Just up the road from us a few miles are a lovely peach orchard and berry farm. I made a trip there on Tuesday and came home with such bounty that I felt truly blessed. The peaches will be coming in until the end of July. I’m not sure about the length of time for the berries, but if you are traveling a bit to get there, I would call for availability on both of them.
I did manage to find my studio one day this week and made this purse necklace. The vintage change purse was given to me by Shawn and I ordered the antique tintype from Australia from my friend Julie. I will tuck some interesting things inside once I decide what needs to be included. The words on the bottom of the purse are “seek the ancient paths” which is a quote from Jeremiah 6:16:
16 This is what the LORD says:
“Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls.
We all need rest for out souls in these hectic, troubling times.