In case any of you weren’t aware, Nashville and Middle Tennessee are going through one of the worst disasters in our history. I was away in Florida during the flood, and had no TV where I was and very little internet access. My husband was telling me about what was going on, but it wasn’t until Monday when I returned, that I understood the extent of the damage. When I saw the news footage of Nashville I was moved to tears. From what I understand, it got very little national coverage. Please watch the video and you will be amazed at the amount of water that inundated our state. My younger son is a fireman in Smyrna and was on duty all weekend as they helped evacuate people. Our home was unscathed, but I know several people who lost much in the flood.
I have posted some items in my Etsy shop for all proceeds to go to help the flood victims. Please remember the flood victims in your prayers and I’m sure any help would be appreciated. If you don’t see anything in my shop that is to your liking, just type in “Nashville” in the search box and you will find others who are also posting flood relief items. Thanks!