Salt and Light


After having lunch with a friend in downtown Columbia, we were looking for something else fun to do. We decided to look around in the antique store on the square for a while. I looked carefully through the whole store and hadn’t found anything that caught my eye and was about to leave, when I spotted a wonderful cache of tiny antique and vintage salt shakers. The glass ones have sterling lids. The wheels started turning in my mind and I snatched them up and brought them home to my studio.

These would make a wonderful place to store a small memento such as a lock of baby hair or to put tiny inspirational messages in. I’m sure your imagination could come up with something interesting.

Several of these are available at Wall Candy and Cliques Hair Salon in Columbia, as well as Heart and Hands on Main St. in Franklin Tennessee. You could also send me a comment or email and I can make one with your color scheme in mind.



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