Tag Archives: Alzheimers

The Mom Journal-Places To Go and Things To Do

 Someone is bored…as anyone would be in the situation. We had to plan an outing. With the help of our county transportation service, I was able to arrange a small trip to the local mall where we shopped and ate … Continue reading

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More Of The Mom Journal-The Enchanted Forest

My Mom is progressing further into Alzheimer’s disease. I have another post on the digital collages that I am creating to document and emotionally process this journey. She had to move a couple of months ago to a nursing home … Continue reading

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Enchanted Forest

For several years now, my Mom has been progressing through the stages of Alzheimers. Lately she has gotten more confused and has had to be moved from an assisted living facility to a nursing home. She has extra sitters throughout … Continue reading

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