What a beautiful day! I went for an afternoon walk around the pond with my sweetheart and had to take a few photos to share. The air resonates with the love songs of hundreds of frogs and toads. They got a little shy when I went around to photograph them, but I managed to find one who wanted to pose.
They have decorated the edges of the pond with thousands of eggs. The beautiful strings are like necklaces adorning the grass and weeds in the water.
If all of these manage to make it to adulthood, we will have a plague of Biblical proportions. Fortunately, (or unfortunately if you are a tadpole) not all of them will make it, but some years we have hundreds of tiny toads migrating from the pond to the forest.
I had to stop and feed the neighbor’s horses some apples that I had saved for them. They seemed to appreciate the attention.
If all of these manage to make it to adulthood, we will have a plague of Biblical proportions. Fortunately, (or unfortunately if you are a tadpole) not all of them will make it, but some years we have hundreds of tiny toads migrating from the pond to the forest.
I had to stop and feed the neighbor’s horses some apples that I had saved for them. They seemed to appreciate the attention.
These are little Ipod holders made from recycled, felted wool sweaters and transferred photos and vintage buttons. They will be at this month’s Silo Studio Sale.
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